I’m an actress, writer, and activist living in Los Angeles.

This is my facebook page.
My professional page.
My youtube page.

Fat Rant  is the video you’ve probably already seen.
More Fat Rant is the sequel.
Staircase Wit is the threequel.

and this is still the video I think is the funniest…

Right now my pet projects are:
My Mobster: A solo play about the relationship I had with a criminal from France.
Stallions… de Amor: An improv telenovela for the web.
Ninja Betty and the Nunchix: Where I am a backup dancer.

132 Responses to “About Joy Nash!”

  1. 1 Andrea June 25, 2007 at 5:27 am


    I just saw your Fat Rant movie, loved it! Thanks for joining the cause! I am wondering what your motives are in terms of work etc. I have a non-profit and host events all year long. If there is a forum you can fit in to, I would love to work with you! Let me know..

    Find Your Voice Project

  2. 2 Emma June 30, 2007 at 5:02 pm

    I must say, I totally respect you. I’m just 16 and I already way a little over 200 pounds. It’s been hard. I went on a medication for migraines and I gained 20 pounds. I’ve been on all types of diets and such, but I’m always happiest when I can go out with my skinny friends and eat double fudge icecream along with them! I’ve always felt “pretty”, and I’ve been told so many times; it’s just, I felt, I would never get anywhere because I’m fat. However, since I saw your video, I’ve had a different outlook. I hold my head high, walk in to Lane Bryant and look the sales person right in the eye, and I put out job applications with a smile knowing I’ll get the job.

    Thank you,

  3. 3 Gary W. July 1, 2007 at 5:07 am

    It is not just women who have felt the sting of negative criticism because they are fat. Men feel it also! I know, I am one of them. Yes, I am fat. Always have been since I was 3 or 4 and always will be.

    I too find it way too frustrating to get fashionable clothing off the rack, or even proper size footwear in a regular store, that I must go to a Big and Tall store to find overpriced goods, and limited quantities. Now, even those businesses are closing.

    Fat Rant away beautiful. I too totally respect you for making the YouTube video, as I loved it!

  4. 4 Robert Wiggins July 1, 2007 at 4:37 pm

    Joy you are not fat, you are sexy as hell. I love big women.

  5. 5 Robert Wiggins July 1, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    Joy you are not fat, PHAT, yes, but fat, no. You are sexy as hell,and if I’m old enough I would love to date you, and I think you are very pretty as well.

  6. 6 Jon B July 2, 2007 at 5:14 am

    Joy is fat, but not in the pejorative sense. Weight and Beauty aren’t linked with one another. Even if they were, Joy would still be a fox! ^_^
    Joy is a legend in the making. ^_^

  7. 7 Joy Nash July 4, 2007 at 9:10 pm

    Thanks Jon! and Robert too! 🙂
    Like my sassy fat friends say: “I’m both!”
    Fat and Foxy! HOORAY!!

  8. 8 Die Early July 12, 2007 at 12:20 am

    Enjoy life now.. cause being fat you will leave many many years less. Live today as you won’t need to save for later in life.

    • 9 Francesca June 17, 2009 at 8:18 pm

      “…being fat you will leave [sic] many many years less.”? Could you produce the statistics behind that one? I guess being fat is now a fatal disease. The Internet is no place for insecure jerks like you who love trying to, unsuccessfully, make other people feel bad. And even if you do feel that you are right, well then might I ask…why are you even here? You think you can change how Joy Nash feels about herself? Have you seen her videos? She is so confident and in no way will anything you say affect her or any of the other people who are inspired by her confidence. Beauty and confidence sing louder than ignorance.

    • 10 Dakota February 6, 2010 at 12:10 am

      I came across your videos and blog while shopping for lingerie, and I have to say that every moment of shame in dressing rooms, locker rooms, and doctors offices have grown very small in the face of the sense of pride your words instill me with. My journey towards becoming a strong, self fulfilled, FAT woman, has been a long and difficult one. At this point I am just disappointed that I have lived all of my 19 years without all of the self confidence and sex appeal that has always been inside me (That and for not telling those ignorant losers that made pig noises at me in the hallway that they will die very, very lonely). Your message delivers all of that as well as something just as important, the idea that fat does nothing to muffle humanity or decrease self worth. Thank you.

  9. 12 Barbara July 12, 2007 at 2:28 am

    I just saw you on CNN and loved it! I have to admit I am not as confident as you, but I wish I was. Great job! Thanks for sharing your rant!

  10. 13 T July 12, 2007 at 3:29 am

    I agree with 90% of the Fat Rant. I would say one’s percentage of body fat should be kept in perspective as an issue. Sure, it can be symptomatic of other internal struggles, but assuming a person does not have some sort of mood or eating disorder, I would say it is simply a health and/or cosmetic problem.

    I myself lost 70 pounds. Barring a thyroid disorder or other rare medical problem, people should be able to control their waistlines, and it’s only a matter of knowledge and willpower. When I see overweight people, all I see are excess calories on completely normal human beings — *not* people for whom fat has become part of their very identity.

    If one is overweight enough for it to pose health risks, then the problem should be addressed and dealt with, on the merits, not avoided. My only fear is people hiding behind “fat acceptance” as an excuse to avoid correcting a health problem. But I see obesity as no reason to ridicule.

  11. 14 radicalearthling July 24, 2007 at 2:45 am

    I’m not big on the Junk Food Science blog because although some of the material she provides is spot-on, some of it is questionable and she has a tendency to take ONE source and run with it no matter what the background is.

    And the truth is that if one’s overweight is a symptom of an underlying health problem like metabolic syndrome, that underlying problem has got to be dealt with, even if it means weight loss. And this woman’s going around saying sugar isn’t harmful. By whose lights? My mom and dad could both tell you it’s harmful. They’re both diabetic now.

    Anyway, I haven’t watched the rant yet because if my two-year-old hears YouTube playing on my laptop she always wants to watch cartoons on it, but you are gorgeous and thank you for your work. No matter why a person is one weight or another, it’s nobody else’s business. My God, you don’t see people obsessing this much over a MAN’S appearance. I saw a guy when we were out eating the other night, watching the TV in the restaurant and ranting about the woman in the game show needing to lose some weight. He stood up and turned around and the a$$hole had a beergut!

  12. 15 Aimee July 24, 2007 at 1:19 pm

    Thanks for the rant. I alway feel like the DUF (dumb ugly friend) when I go out because I feel like they are all skinnier than I am, because they weight less. I am 5-8, my best fiend is 5-10, and judging by your “rant” you appear to be of above average height. The biggest thing that I needed to understand, as well as my best friend, it is all relative. A six 6 at 5-10 would look awful, but a 16 or 18 at 5-10 is spot on sexy. I know that some would find this to be an excuse, but at the same time, and you nailed it, I take reasonable care of myself, eat decent most of the time, and exercise, but don’t drop dead of exaustion. Thanks for making the statement that ALL of us have tried to and wanted to make for a very long time…

  13. 16 marina August 1, 2007 at 10:44 pm

    You rock!
    Seriously, I think I love you.

    Actually I am quite speechless (which, since I was raised in a loud and chaotic Italian family, is a big deal!)… I wish every girl (and boy) could watch this video. Can’t wait to see what else you do!

    viva joy!
    ♥ m.

    Drop by my shop of handmade goodies… I have just begun to branch out into clothing (plus sizes of course!). Fat needs more fun, funky, modern options!

  14. 17 Angela August 2, 2007 at 11:47 am

    Joy your video touches on so many things i have experienced. Thank you for encouraging girls to embrace the person that they truely are and not to be forced to change. I hope your video reaches out to more people.

    I easily relate to a lot of what you said. I feel that somebody out there actually understands me. I am thirty kilos heavier than what i was 3 years ago. I am constantly insulted by my own family members and friends about how much weight i’ve put on. I saw a neighbour that i hadn’t seen in a while today and instead of asking me how i was, his first comment was ‘Look how fat you’ve become!’ When i came home, i told my mum and my mum said the only reason i am angry is because of the fact that i’m fat and want to blame other people. Oh bullshit! If there is an upcoming engagement my mum will remind me to lose weight before it. The way she carries on it’s as if i’m the one getting married!

    I have all my old skinny clothes packed away because i hope that someday i’ll fit back into them. like you said, having them around does piss me off. The thing about guys is also true. I always turn away the possibility of meeting someone because i think that i’m not good enough.

    People’s negative comments have influenced me to think this way at times.If i’m feeling down about my weight it’s really because of my self-confidence. My problem is not my weight. My problem is other people. My problem is clothing stores who discriminate and exclude us from society by not offering bigger sized clothing. Clothing sizes for real women. What the hell is size 4 or 0? We are constantly made to feel ashamed of our weight.

    It’s time i stopped allowing other people to control how my body should look and how i feel about myself. If i can’t find support in my family and friends then i need to look within myself. If you can’t love yourself them don’t expect others to.

    When i was a thin size 10 and i did find the time to exercise and i watched what i ate, i found i was never happy. I was never thin enough for anyone. People would find other faults about me like my boobs weren’t big enough or my thighs needed slimming because i am pear shaped. Back then i would avoid going to the beach because i thought i was fat! I can’t change the way my body shape is. Last summer i began to think in the same negative way but then i said i’m not going to let being fat stand in the way of me enjoying life. Every weekend i went to the beach. Next summer though I’m going to make sure i take off the board shorts!

    Your video reminds me of a quote i read somewhere, ‘Women are often measured by the things they can’t control. They are measured my 36-26-36 by how their body curves or doesn’t curve. By all the outside things that will never measure up to who she is on the inside. If a woman is to be measured let her be measured by the things she can control and who she is and trying to become because measurements are statistics and statistics lie.’

  15. 18 amy August 17, 2007 at 11:34 pm

    Joy, I just saw your video and was so inspired to write to you. Im 46 years old and spent the better part of my life not feeling like I was beautiful or sexy. I got that we just arent meant to be skinny or small. I eat healthier than most people I know and work long hours on my feet . I havnt been sick in about 20 years. This bigotry has got to stop. You really connected with what has been on my mind for so long. I am going to work on being proud of how I look right now. Thank you for speaking your truth . May we all be proud and love ourselves first. Amy near Atlanta p.s. Where did you get the great jacket?

  16. 19 Deanna (domestic chicky) August 23, 2007 at 9:15 pm

    You rock Joy! I have just posted your video to my blog for the second time because you have become a wonderful role model for size acceptance…I live near LA (redlands-about 1 hour east), and even out here, I hear 90 pound girls whine about their “fat”…Hopefully one day people will accept that everyone is NOT built the same, and being fat doesn’t automatically mean unhealthy, and beauty comes in ALL sizes..until then, we have beautiful smart funny women like you to make us think…

  17. 20 Rene August 24, 2007 at 1:33 pm

    For radicalearthling: I am sorry to hear about your parents, but sugar does not cause diabetes and that is well grounded in the scientific literature. Please be careful before buying into anecdotes as medical facts. Just because part of medical management of diabetes is keeping elevated sugars (a side effect of the actual disease pathology) under control does not mean that elevated sugars cause the disease or that keeping sugars low can prevent the disease. That would be like trying to claim chemotherapy for all could prevent cancer. Similarly, don’t medicalize fatness as it is not a cause for diabetes, either, but can be a symptom that develops because of the disease (until late stage).

  18. 21 Mike Dodd August 24, 2007 at 4:00 pm

    Inspirational is all that I have to say.

    I am 26 years old and have been heavy all my life, and am around 450 pounds and yet I can still run, jump, play hockey and still get a date when the need arises.
    My weight does nothing to slow my down, as I am often found of saying

    Large and in charge 🙂

    Your awesome Joy and If I may so, quite pretty as well.

    You’ve got a friend here at THIS WEEK IN GEEK

    Mike Dodd
    Host / Producer
    This week in geek

    C-R-N-C 90.1 FM
    The New Heat
    “Niagara’s hottest mix!”
    Winner of Niagara College’s 2007 GRAFFITI award for Best Specialty Show on 90.1 FM.

    Website: http://www.thisweekingeek.net
    Email: feedback@thisweekingeek.net
    Mobile: 289 228 1406
    Show Voicemail: 206 339 3234

  19. 22 Brandi August 31, 2007 at 6:12 pm

    I just saw your fat rant video, and I completely loved it. It made me feel good! I am a full figured girl myself, so I understand everything you had to say.

    Good for you for speaking your mind. We need more people like you in this world to help spread the word that fat is just a descriptive physical characteristic.

    Thank you for making this video! Stay beautiful!


  20. 23 sandra September 1, 2007 at 11:04 am

    I’ve just watched your fantastic video and would just like to say: I am 262 pounds! There, I did it! And I’m gonna do it again!

  21. 24 Mari September 15, 2007 at 1:23 pm

    I myself lost 70 pounds. Barring a thyroid disorder or other rare medical problem, people should be able to control their waistlines, and it’s only a matter of knowledge and willpower. When I see overweight people, all I see are excess calories on completely normal human beings — *not* people for whom fat has become part of their very identity.

    If one is overweight enough for it to pose health risks, then the problem should be addressed and dealt with, on the merits, not avoided. My only fear is people hiding behind “fat acceptance” as an excuse to avoid correcting a health problem. But I see obesity as no reason to ridicule.

    T, have you read The Obesity Myth by Paul Campos? A fit and fat person can be just as healthy as a skinny and fit person. Joy, judging by some of the comments on here, you’ve got your work cut out for you.

    And why are the comments coming from men? Is it because of what Ken Mayer said, author of Real Women Don’t Diet, that men are threatened by a large and in charge woman?

    Joy is FAT. Not saying that she’s fat is saying that she’s okay because she’s really not that FAT. Also, T and Richard, if you do your research, you’ll discover that in the 1800’s, fat women in the circus, some of whom weighed up to 900 pounds, lived to be well into their 70’s and 80’s. But that’s the whole problem with America.

    The average American IQ is 115(Forrest Gump was 74)! People don’t question what they hear from the media, why else would Bush have gotten re-elected for a second term? Instead, they buy whatever the bs media feeds them!

  22. 25 racheypete October 10, 2007 at 5:00 pm

    Hi Joy I just watched your FatRant video and I loved it. I loved the part where you said all those “what ifs…” I have been paralyzed by the words “what if” for as long as I can remember. At 31, I am a size 22/24 and I am finally concentrating on living my life NOW! I am working out regularly and making healthy food choices. I can feel great about myself and the choices I make until I step in to the real world and see the skinny people all around me and I swear I can just hear their thoughts…”she is so fat…i can’t believe she is wearing that…if i was that size i would never leave the house.” It’s crazy. I honestly hear those words ringing in my ear on a regular basis and I don’t think I’ve ever actually HEARD the words uttered in reality. It astounds me that I fall victim to such lies in my head, even though I KNOW I am taking care of myself. So yeah, it’s no more “what if” and it’s all “so what” for me. “So what if I’m a fat girl. I’m funny, compassionate, hardworking, an awesome aunt and sister, a loving daughter, my husband thinks I’m HOT and my dogs adore me! SO what. I’m fat too!

  23. 26 Nicole October 14, 2007 at 3:58 am

    I loved your Fant Rant video so much! I have always been over weight and I know that I always will be. Since I was like 6 years old I’ve been fat and it’s been so difficult to see myself as anything but my fat. After watching your vid I started to think more about who I was and I realized I’m not just fat and I don’t have to limit myself with the people I love just because they might not except me for me becuase of my weight. I now carry myself differently and I have found the love of my life who thinks I’m the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on, and I’m even starting to believe it. Without holding back and being so self concious I can let my heart shine throguh! Thanks for all that you do!

  24. 27 Chris H October 17, 2007 at 5:51 pm

    I came across your Fat Rant video today and just wanted to let you know I loved it, and couldn’t agree more. I really, really love beautiful plump girls but most women treat any descriptive word that implies anything other than skinny as being an insult. Which is odd because in my mind, skinny is an insult.

    I’d also like to say, you’re smoking hot and if it was me standing on that corner, I’d ask you out in a “skinny minute”.

  25. 28 Winnie October 21, 2007 at 3:29 pm

    Hey , l’m winnie from Malaysia . im almost 220punds girl . i am 24yrs only . i feel respect to what you have do it.especially your mtv. um.. unfornatuly , malaysia dont have this type of mtv. If have i will join it , i wana let all people in malaysia to understand what we can do . we are fat but we are still beautiful .

  26. 29 Winnie October 21, 2007 at 3:33 pm

    Eventhough i m fat, i still can find many type of clothes which are very fashionable … some of the design i create myself . so eventhough i’m fat but i still let veryone know that fat people also can be very cconfindence. so if u r interested can contact me or send email to me.
    i will like to share everything here . gyeaminwin@yahoo.com.hk

  27. 30 todd October 22, 2007 at 7:01 pm

    youre a genius!! i love ur fat rant videos, and i applaud you for making them… i love my fat girlfriend and im doing my best to make her confident with her body so i can very much appreciate what ur doing.. thanks =)

  28. 31 KrisDeLee October 22, 2007 at 7:20 pm

    I find the power of a word amazing. Fat is a powerful word. I am a fat girl and proud! I have always been the “fat girl” in my family. Growing up, I was made to feel like crap because I was bigger than everyone else. I was told to lose weight every day. In order to do that and “make myself a better person” I experimented with drugs. I lost a LOT of my weight, but I wasn’t healthy and I hated who I was becoming. Now that I am clean and sober all of the weight (and honestly a bit more) has come back. But, now I am okay with that. I love who I am, and while yea, a part of me still wants to lose those pounds, I finally love myself. I have an amazing boyfriend, am a college student, and work as a waitress. I live a fun, and enjoyable life. I am not dying because I weigh 243 and wear a size 20. I love who I am. Thank you so much for taking the fat message to the public. The world needs to know that we are here! You rock Joy! (Oh, and piss on MTV!)

  29. 32 Kara October 23, 2007 at 4:38 am


    You took all the things i have said for years and put them in a video!! Your amzing..and i wish the would realize that were peolpe too!!!

    Your the best




  30. 33 Sandra November 18, 2007 at 8:18 pm

    Saw you on TV this morning. I think your rant is FABULOUS !

  31. 34 John D November 23, 2007 at 11:35 am

    Joy your so HOT!!!!

  32. 35 Becca November 30, 2007 at 5:17 pm

    LOVE YOU! You are awesome girl! I saw both of your videos. Fat Rant and the Sequal. You have such a wonderful view on life. Again Awesome!

  33. 36 Sara December 3, 2007 at 10:52 pm

    I just saw your videos on YouTube and I want to thank you SO much for making them. I’ve been fat since I hit puberty and it has made me utterly miserable.. I’m only just now realizing that I’ve been making myself miserable for nothing. I’m going to stop trying to be thin and start trying to be myself… really, your videos are great. Thank you.

  34. 37 Rose December 10, 2007 at 5:35 pm

    Joy: (my middle name, btw *grin*)

    I’ve been trying to navigate your MySpace for the last few days and it seems that every link on your page defaults to the MySpace homepage. I would have sent you a message there, but even the Contact link takes me to their homepage! :-O I hope you can find out what the glitch is soon. 🙂



  35. 38 finngarianmama December 13, 2007 at 11:13 pm

    FAT RANT ROCKS!!!!! You GO girl! 😀 😀 😀 I’m off to add you to my blogroll!

  36. 39 Smilinsteve December 24, 2007 at 11:39 pm


    I saw the rant this morning, and I went to work…thinking off and on all day how beautiful you were, and totally attractive and sexy.
    An alluring and beautiful face, bedroom eyes, and thrilling curves all over the place! I was even mesmerized…

    I thought….if she only knew how I felt! I’d chase her ass all over the place and ravish her frequently, and treat her like a lady. But you have to know, ESPECIALLY because of your size, like your cleavage and your calves for instance, I would go crazy on you.

    Aint that what its really all about?

    So..there it is….attraction is really from person to person, no one really knows why its there….but all of a sudden there it is, and its wonderful.

    You know, when I was younger, I was really thin my whole life, and I was struck by how people never gave it a second thought to come into a room, see me and say…”Boy, are you skinny!”…..or something like that….I thought, I’d never say that to anybody, large or small, especially in front of others.

    It seemed to me that the painfully skinny were left out in the cold, and even more “undefended” by the world in general, but I can attest that it hurt me or embarrased me pretty badly for years.

    So….its just important to love yourself, grow up in the world, and get over what others think. Theres always someone out there that will see beauty in you, and to hell with the rest of em!

    You Go Girl!


  37. 40 Peter December 30, 2007 at 10:38 am

    You are a Beautiful woman who has more confidence it seems then many women who have slim waste lines. When will you get a movie contract?

  38. 41 chad December 30, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    I just wanna say-Damn your sexy Joy!!!! Keep on looking good!

  39. 42 Drew December 30, 2007 at 3:05 pm

    I saw you on CNN, today. Good for you, fat is relative. I love big girls. Sometimes, in my experience anyway, certain adages ARE true,; such as: “big girl big heart”,big boobs, big brain, more cushion for the pushin’…and other good sayings. This has grown into too much of a Hollywood World, not just for `fat’ people.
    As long as people, of all weights, pay attention to their BMI—I sense intelligence about you and a sense of humor, with some sarcasm, haha—peace and joy (ha ha!) to you, and a prosperous New Year—for me, I’ll be on the lookout for the: curvaceous and ample of body, and honest and kind woman here
    Peace through Strength!

  40. 43 Mags January 7, 2008 at 6:05 am

    Dear Joy,

    I’m not sure how to email you now (I’m still holding out on joining any of the Face Space shenanigans) but just wanted to drop a line and say…

    …you’re exactly as awesome as I remember you! And so beautiful that if I hadn’t always liked you so much I would have envied you!

    …I love the videos you’ve been posting. That one “Totally Awesome” just says it all for me, trying to get over 15 years of boob envy and just learn to like my scrawny body as it is. You’re such an inspiration, babe!

    …I’m so pleased for you! Always one of the most talented people I knew at RHS, it’s really heartwarming to see you becoming such a success at exactly the things you’re good at and seem to love.

    I’m sorry for falling out of touch over the years but I do miss you and think of you still. Drop me a line to the address I’ve given in this reply if you’ve ever got a moment – would love to catch up. And if you ever make it over to London again, definitely let me know!

    Much love and God bless,
    Maggie (Cassel) Fisher

  41. 44 Mags (disambiguation) January 7, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    Wow…I just commented on something else under this name, then came over here, scrolled to the bottom and…some other chick you seem to actually KNOW is tagged as “Mags?” I figured I’d better just note that.

    I just JUST saw “FatRant” on YouTube. Way to go. I just said something to this effect in a comment on your fashion post, but I’m one of those (did you say 93-98%?) of “after” photo girls (225 – 150 lbs in around a year)with a twist. It’s been around a year and a half since the bulk of the weight came off, and though I haven’t gained any of it back, I HAVE become a raging bulemic, with sporradic bouts of anorexia and compulsive exercise thrown in just to make things interesting. If I could travel back to fat me, I’d smack her upside the head and kick her size 18 ass. I thought I’d be satisfied when I could wear the 12’s, but now it turns out all my problems will go away once I’m a 10. What odds do you want that once I’m a 10 the magic number changes to 8?

    Also, chairs without cusions are less comfy now. Just sayin’.

    Thanks for speaking to this fat girl trapped in an average body.

  42. 45 Darcie January 10, 2008 at 10:39 am

    Hello Joy

    I love your thoughts and ideas. You are a beautiful woman and people need to learn to look passed what is on the outside. keep on keepin’ on and love the skin your in.

    Take care

  43. 46 Clothes That Fit Girl January 23, 2008 at 7:34 pm

    Hey – I must be out of it cause I JUST found your FatRant now – I posted it on my blog “Clothes that Fit”. You’re Fantastic! http://clothesthatfit.blogspot.com/

  44. 47 peter.s January 26, 2008 at 7:43 am

    hello my name is peter im 17 and i live in Australia this year will be my finale year of high school and for art i have to do a major artwork and if i do a good enough art work it could give me a career in the art industry any way im doing an art work on body types mainly obesity. i’m obese too and know how emotionally breaking it can be you have been such an inspiration for me i am even using you for my research for my artwork.
    thanx for giving me a new lease on life and showing me that its not my fault im fat and to enjoy life and that im doing!
    p.s your a really good actor

  45. 48 Sarah February 3, 2008 at 12:01 am


    You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work!

    Long story short – oh wait, not sure I can make this one short! LOL. Most of my family is heavy and has hypothyroidism, diabetes and heart issues.

    I’m 30 y/o now, but in my teen years I struggled to keep weight off. I would eat nothing for breakfast, basically nothing for lunch and barely anything for supper. I ended up being anorexic. My iron level was at a 9 – they discovered this after I had fainted and broke a bone. Unfortunately, my beloved grandfather would poke my tummy to see if I was pudgy. Gee, that certainly brought up my anorexia ways.

    Fast forward to 2004 I gained a ton of weight after getting married and it surged to 210. When I say “surge” I mean “surge.” I was 130 pounds.

    Into December 2005 — I ended up losing 60 pounds by doing pilates and cutting back on the amount of food I ate – while still enjoying the foods that I love! Unfortunately, they had found a fatty pocket on my liver – assuming from when I was 210 – and I kid you not, the specialist says to me – AFTER LOOKING ME UP AND DOWN – “Well, you are a big girl. You need to lose some weight. I don’t care what you do or how you do it. If you pay to go to a gym, you’ll find that you will go due to spending the money.” I didn’t know what to say, and being as sensitive as I am, I almost cried. I was so scared to eat for days afterwards, and this brought back all of my anorexia-past thoughts.

    March 2006 I became pregnant with our first child! 🙂 I weighed 203 lbs. in my 9th month. After I had her in December, I lost 30 pounds right away. I was down to 170. Sure enough, I had health issues I needed to combat – for one thing, the psoriasis that had been confined on my scalp, creeped all in various patches all over my body. I went back on the “Pill” as well. I don’t know if the psoriasis had anything to do with this, or if it was the Pill, but I have gained the 30 lbs back and, as of now, weigh 203 lbs.

    I am having an incredibly hard time trying to lose the weight this time around. I’m not kidding you when I say that I could eat an apple and gain 5 lbs. I know my genes are playing a huge factor, as well as medications that I am on. They tested my thyroid over the summer and it’s normal. My mom, who now has hypothyroidism, says that hers would come back normal even though she had a hard time with losing weight. My mom is also a plus size diva. 🙂 Unfortunately, she now has type II diabetes, psoriasis, high cholesterol, and hypothyroidism. I think it’s safe to say that the doctors place blame on her weight. However, my aunt does weigh more and doesn’t have any of these health issues.

    I hate the lack of sensitivity on the part of MeMe Roth, society – the media! Do they not, for one minute, even think about the fact that the very medications that the FDA approves also may make us gain weight? Or genes? Or, and I have heard this, the possibility of some chemicals in canned foods that make us crave more food? I think if losing weight were so “easy,” many of us wouldn’t be overweight.

    And just b/c you are a size 2 doesn’t mean you are healthy either. What about those with hyperthyroidism that claim that they eat all they want and never gain weight? So they are eating all of the foods that us overweight ppl do, but the only difference is that their body doesn’t show it outwardly. Inwardly, they could still have high cholesterol, etc. So forgive me but being thin doesn’t mean a thing. Okay – so was this my fat rant?? 🙂

    It’s so sad but now as I look back at my pre-anorexia photos I was thinking, “I thought I was fat???” I wasted all of that time thinking I was fat and could have used that time for other things. I cannot get that time back.

    Joy, your “Fat Rant” video is putting things into perspective for me. Although I am going to TRY to lose some of this weight, I am not going to try to obsess over it.


  46. 49 Leslie G. February 4, 2008 at 11:18 am

    I just saw the Fat Rant and I LOVED IT!!! I am a plus size girl myself and I watching you and reading your blogs have helped me in so many ways. There should be more people like you!!! I am 230lbs and love it. I always felt like I needed to be skinny, but now I am in your face saying like me or love me, frankly I DONT GIVE A DAMN!!! I am married, but my husband thinks that I could loose a few pounds, whatever! I dont tell him that the men I see out or meet are digging the extra weight on me. I love being me and I will not change for what the world thinks or what anyone thinks! Even my myspace pages says it all.

  47. 50 Sharyn March 10, 2008 at 6:23 pm

    Just love your video.

    I totally agree with Sarah [Feb 3] … I WAS hyper-thyroid … could eat whatever I wanted and not look back. Thyroid went into toxic overdrive which made me extremely ill and had to have surgery to remove it.

    Now I am referred to as post-surgical hypo-thyroid.
    That’s Great? … no way … I was 69 kilos on the day of my op and 3 months after the op I weighed in at 98 kilos. I do not eat anywhere near what I ate before … my food bill is $40 per week [fresh veg and fruit and chicken and fish that’s it] … and I still don’t eat it all.

    I am on more tablets to control the thyroid hormones than I care to count in a day. I do more exercise and eat less than my partner does and yet the weight still won’t go.

    I detest how people assume I am fat because of overeating … funny that they don’t see the 6 inch scar on my neck.

    Joy … your video has put into perspective some things I regard about myself and I want to thankyou for that.


  48. 51 Krystine April 7, 2008 at 10:40 pm

    Hello, Joy.

    I came across your video, Fat Rant, and I do have to say that I was really inspired by your video. First of all, I was surprised and amazed with how you’ve really taken to the “Say it loud, say it proud” aspect of being fat. I’m one of those people that are not proud of the fact of being fat. But I’ve been slowly coming out of that shell, and after watching your video, it’s given me an even bigger push to snag the hell out of it. I’m really glad I’ve come across your video. And whenever I start to get back into that state of mind, I’m going to pull your video back up, and get back to reality. Thank you for making this video, Jill. You have made me look closer at my life right now and realize that I need to change my attitude. I’m not sure what kind of impact you were expecting, but just believe that you’ve inspired at least one person. =)

  49. 52 misstraceynolan April 20, 2008 at 6:55 pm

    Joy, I just found you via Figure Magazine online and I think you ROCK! Can’t wait to keep up with your career…

  50. 53 Shannon April 30, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    I just wanted to tell you how much I admire and adore you. You say just the right things in just the right way and really put people and their ignorant opinions in their place. I use your videos in online debates concerning obesity all the time and they pwn.

    Thank you for voicing your opinions. You’re an inspiration to everyone, fat or thin.

  51. 54 Miss Plus America Elite June 20, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    Hey JOY
    I just saw your new Rant…
    Of course, I am loving it!!! Chenese was great, the mom was great, the guys at the bus stop…just great! Kiss to you and doing some great work, as always
    Jenna…Miss Plus America Elite

  52. 55 Jen Hunter June 21, 2008 at 5:14 am

    I think it’s really telling that all these commenters are saying “Oh, you’re not fat,” because they can’t seem to get the idea out of their mind that the word “fat” might just be a neutral descriptive term, like tall or short, blond or brunette. They are trying to reassure you how beautiful you are, when at the same time they’re showing how deep their own fat prejudice runs. “Fat” is only an insult when we share the unspoken assumption that big is bad.

    I haven’t seen all your rants, so I don’t know if you’ve done this one already, but I’d love to see a good comeback to the smiling, enthusiastic “You look like you’ve lost weight!” – such as, responding with a shocked expression, “Oh God, I hope not!”

    –Jen, 5’7″ and 185 lbs, size 14/16 (probably not quite fat, but at least fluffy)

  53. 56 Just me June 21, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    I just found your blog – and stuff that I`m seeing is blowing my brains out. I LOVE YOU! I`m fat my whole life (I also have eating disorder, but that does not matter) and feel like the worst person on this earth. And I put my life on hold. And after many years of putting my life on hold – I did something. Decided to go on a trip to over seas (I`m Europian). I`m scared as hell. Not about the trip – but the plane. I`m having nightmares about seats on plane. I know I wont fit in them. But I`m so proud on myself, cause I did the first step – I bought a ticket and now there is no way out. And like you said Joy – we have only one life. I hope that will take my spirits up and fears down. 🙂

  54. 57 Carrie June 21, 2008 at 5:57 pm

    Everyone already knows the fat rants are great and all, so I won’t harp on that anymore.

    You know what else you’ve done that is absolutely amazing? That Time Machine video. That puts all those other annoying youtube sketch comedy groups to shame. It’s pure hilarity. I love you for it.

  55. 58 Tammy June 22, 2008 at 8:02 am

    Joy, I saw you on a talk show a while back and I thought you were very articulate as well as beautiful. I just came across you fat rant video today. It was posted on a bbw community site. It touched me on so many levels. I have been fat all my life and feel a constant conflict within myself. On one hand I feel that I want to accept and love myself the way I am. On the other hand I feel like I need to lose weight to be truly beautiful. I have never let my weight get in the way of me doing what I want but there is always a nagging feeling that I would be happier if I were thin. I would like to end this conflict and just be plain happy. I am wondering how I can do this. I think that your videos and your blogs are a start… I never really considered that I could just try live a healthier life and still be fat. I always concentrated on weight loss as the goal of exercise and eating healthier and felt like a failure if that didn’t happen. After reading bits and pieces of your blogs and the links in the blogs I now have a new understanding and a new goal. I want to be healthy and happy no matter what size I am. Please keep up the good work. We need more people fighting for size acceptance….. Tammy

  56. 59 Abbasmurf June 23, 2008 at 10:39 am

    I think we fat folks need to make a concerted effort to dress nicely, walk proud, and speak up!! We need to show the fat haters that we refuse to feel bad about ourselves!! What better way to do that than by flaunting our fat asses!!

  57. 60 Bay June 25, 2008 at 4:18 pm

    Hey, I’m a THIN person – and I love you! I’m incredibly tired of the kind of self-loathing that my heavier friends go through all the time. On the other hand, I had a friend who actually told me that I had no excuse to be depressed for any reason – because I’m thin. Yeah. How stupid is that?

  58. 61 Dannielle June 27, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    You’re just awesome, we need more girls with your kinda confidence!
    I think you’re drop dead gorgeous, and if people think otherwise – that’s their problem.
    I’m 5’11, and about 80kg…according to BMI i’m overweight, which i think is absolute crap. I’m built like an Amazon, my husband loves it, and i’ve only ever had complaints from girls after they see how their men drool over a woman that has flesh on her bones!
    I’m healthy, i feel good and i’d rather be like this than a scrawny little girl who can’t lift up her nieces and nephews 😀

  59. 62 plushusnati July 8, 2008 at 10:32 pm

    hey mama! love your blog…i’ll connect with you on myspace…but I used to be a Glamazon but I left to start +plushus an original pop music collective…I’d love to get you involved…

    check out the site


  60. 63 saracorine July 10, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    We love you! You’re the shit!!!

  61. 64 Sam July 12, 2008 at 6:00 pm

    You are beyond gorgeous!!! Marry me!

  62. 65 Fernando July 12, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    I saw you on cnn. I think your beautiful

  63. 66 Frank July 12, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    Two words!

    Joy rocks 🙂

  64. 67 Asher Heimermann from Wisconsin July 13, 2008 at 4:03 pm

    Hi Joy,

    My name is Asher Heimermann from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I saw the story about you on News to Me on CNN Headline News! Way to go on your project. I too have a project/campaign that I am working on and that is getting young people involved in politics and government.

    Mr. Asher Heimermann

  65. 68 Mike July 13, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    Lol just saw you on CNN. I think your vid is great!

    Oh, and you’re beautiful too 🙂

  66. 69 Michael Smith(of Indiana) July 14, 2008 at 9:14 am

    Dear Joy,

    Wish there were more women as beautiful as you are and aren’t afraid to be ashamed of their size. I’m a size 54 and have always felt awkward all of my life. If you come around my area I’d love to buy you a drink.

    Keep up the good work babe!!

    Take Care,

    Michael Smith

  67. 70 Vee July 20, 2008 at 8:18 am

    Joy, I’m your size. I am 5’10” (well 6’1″ because I wear heels, baby) and sometimes I wear a size 20. 🙂

    I am happy with who I am and what I look like, AND healthy, etc. etc.

    It is very refreshing to see someone with a bod like mine who is confident too. I’ve never had a problem dating anyone I’ve wanted to date and I feel attractive and vibrant.

    You go, girl.

  68. 71 lyn July 26, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    dear Joy,

    I’m a young girl that is considered to be obese. I’m 215 lbs. I have been on a diet since I was 7 years old. I’ve never been happy with my look. I’m constantly getting put down by family and supposedly friends. Even though this makes me feel horrible, you make me feel like a real person. You are pretty and obviously very smart.You are awesome!

    -Thanks, lyn

  69. 72 Melo July 28, 2008 at 9:27 am

    You are amazing! You inspire me to feel amazing too.

  70. 73 DAna Squilla July 29, 2008 at 7:19 am

    Hi Joy,

    My name is Dana and I’m a journalist for FIRST magazine. I write a page called “body confidence” and am working on an article about body snarking and how women don’t let people’s negative comments about their weight affect their confidence. Instead, they bounce back with a witty, smart comeback proving that what the other person just said, didn’t bother them at all.

    I was reading your blog and you seemed to have the wit and confidence we’re looking for and was curious to know if you’d be interested in participating in the article? I think you would be very inspirational for our readers. If you could let me know, i’d greatly appreciate it!Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!



  71. 74 Jezebelvintage August 1, 2008 at 7:19 pm

    I have to say, you have touched a lot of people. I’m twice your age and only a big smaller (16) but I have avoided SOOOOO much of life because of the way I felt I looked. Your motivation has helped me schedule the first ‘real vacation’ I’ve had with my beloved husband in 26 years of marriage. And I’m going looking GOOD!!!!! With my size 16 clothes!! It’s going to be a trip to remember!!!!!

    Keep on inspiring us, Joy!

    Oh, and I”m a vegetarian, who eats organic but somethings has junk health food options thrown in there, I’m not perfect…..I have a thyroid problem that constantly monitoring and changing meds for but nothing works. Forces of nature seem to want me at a size 16!!! Who am I to argue?

  72. 75 T. Jones August 3, 2008 at 10:22 am

    How Inspiring!!! I’m currently going thru alot with my husband & maybe its due to my weight gain over the past 3 years. Im currently 224 lbs and often discouraged because my husband is ashamed to go out with me on vacations or to any social events. I dont think im beautiful, i honestly believe in my heart that im gorgeous. I dont have problems attracting OTHER men on a regular basis, but my husband is more or less the problem. After seeing your “fat rant” i have to admit, there was this confidence that surfaced inside me i didnt realize was there. Yes you are very beautiful and i respect you. Thanks for the motivation and i wish you much success!

  73. 76 Mustang August 5, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Hi Joy!

    Firstly, I have to say, your videos are fabulous,
    and I agree everything, you say, about this matter.
    I have a website about living in a fat body,
    and I would like to attain, that let the fat girls feel well
    in their bodies and in their lives.
    Unfortunately it’s only in hungarian language,
    but if I could attain, that let the message get to the Hungarian girls,
    I would be satisfied, the rest of the world’s women may be yours 🙂

    I wish many successes!

    A 242 lb weights, beautiful, smart and diffident 24 year old girl 🙂


  74. 77 Lynda August 6, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    Happy Birthday Joy 🙂

  75. 78 Charles Brossman September 4, 2008 at 7:41 am

    Hey Joy,

    If you don’t mind, I’d like to beg for your consideration of a shameless plug on your site for my new company for big and tall people called “Big & Tall Travel”, which can be found at http://www.bigandtalltravel.com.

    I’m a big guy myself and understand how uncomfortable travel can be for large or tall people and with my 20 years of experience, I wanted to provide a fun, sensitive, personal service for others like me. I would appreciate a mention on your site if not just publishing this entry, and please contact me personally if and when you have any personal travel needs.

    Many thanks!!

    Charles Brossman
    Big & Tall Travel

  76. 79 thickgurlz October 26, 2008 at 5:59 pm

    Love your blog, when will you post again?

  77. 80 Jenna October 31, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Dear Joy,

    I must say, this blog and your videos are AWESOME!

    I live here in the Philippines, there’s also a “fat” crisis here (it happens all around the world right?). My family are a bit on the “chunky” side as well. My mom specially, goes on and on with this rant of “get thin so you can have a boyfriend and get married” crap. It’s annoying really, and very silly. I mean, I still don’t get why people focus too much on fat peoples’ weight, when there are more critical issues that must be addressed, like drugs and poverty. Heck… in some cultures, fat women are revered and considered beautiful… some men won’t even marry if the woman doesn’t have a nice belly on her.

    I’m only 5’3 and I weight 175 pounds, so yeah, I’m also moderately obese for my height. I’ve tried dieting, exercise and all those medicinal herb/capsules crap, but I only got sick because of those. Although I must admit that the exercise did introduce me to bellydancing, which I think would be more appropriate on big women like us. I don’t do it for the exercise though, I do it for fun. I kinda like watching my bits wobbling around from dancing. Haha!

    Anyway, thank you so much for making the vids and blog for people like me who has had enough of this discrimination. Keep up the good work!

    The Filipina Fatty (and danged proud of it),

  78. 81 Kate November 20, 2008 at 10:40 am

    I was an anorexic for a couple of years. I went to a nightmare of a secondary school (English, very old, all-girls, discipline based on guilt, eating-disorder and self-harm factory). I still have a very weird, very crazy relationship with food and eating and my body image (and so does my mother, which doesn’t help matters).

    I watched your “Fat Rant” videos last night and, as soon as I was not in public, burst into tears. I’ve been a curious lurker around Kate Harding’s blog and The Rotund for a while, but your videos pushed me over the edge, and I broke down.

    I don’t look like someone with an eating disorder because I haven’t on the whole been eating like one for a long time (size 10 U.S., up from a size 0 when I graduated from highschool), but it really never goes away. I wasn’t ever the sort of anorexic who looks down on heavy people, and I can certainly tell a beautiful woman at any size, but all of a sudden the years and years I spent feeling content, even comforted, at being thinner than everyone else hit me like a ton of bricks and I thought, “What a horrible way to feel.”

    Really, the thing that affected me so deeply was that an obsession that has dogged my steps for over a decade, an obsession that has become a substantial chunk of my personality, that nasty voice that maintains I can subsist on air and cigarettes, was given a smack in the face and told to shut the hell up for a minute.

    This is really not a part of my character, to go all soppy because of someone I’ve never met, and I’ve been trying to explain why Shapely Prose and The Rotund got to me and why your videos were, I guess, the straw that broke the camel’s back, but I keep deleting it because it sounds sycophantic, and so I’ll have to think about it a while more before I tell you about that.

    A few months ago I heard of the “Fatosphere” and I found it funny, so I went to check it out. I’m not laughing anymore, and I’m wholly ashamed I ever did.

  79. 82 PBLUV November 28, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    Rachel Pally is having a winter sale starting Dec 5 (thursday) and goes thru Sunday….:)

  80. 83 Deborah-Anne December 12, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    I saw your Fat Rant videos when a friend forwarded them to me. I’ve struggled with weight my entire life, enough to make me consider taking mine.

    It’s nice to know there are people in the world who don’t see fat = ugly, because you definitely aren’t that!

    Keep up the great work!

  81. 84 Angela December 26, 2008 at 2:59 am


    Just found fat rant and watched all your vids – FANTASTIC! I have spent the last 5 years on Weight Watchers, then off it, then on it. Got to goal, regained 40lbs or so. Then, just a couple of weeks ago I read a fat girls guide to life. Totally changed my thinking. Then, watching fat rant – just made me even more determined to love myself and my life, just the way I am! I want to run out to the shops and buy gorgeous dresses and skirts and stop living in the same baggy jumpers and jeans. 2009 is the year I reclaim my life and stop blaming my fat for everything!

    Thanks so much!

  82. 85 Foong January 3, 2009 at 8:53 am

    Hi Joy,

    Your fat rant is absolutely GREAT. I was just stumbling around looking for plus size blogs when I found yours. I am glad I did!

    I just started a blog on plus size clothes and I wonder if I could exchange links with you?

    Do keep up your great work!


  83. 86 Jacquelyn January 8, 2009 at 10:50 am

    Hi Joy,

    I must say your Mother named you properly because you have brought ‘joy’ to hundreds of thousands of men and women who all share the same feelings about our bodies. I’ve almost always been a chubby chick (not comfortable with the word fat just yet, but I’m working on it), but at one point (when I was in the Army) I was skinny – a size 6! My true friends all thought that I looked sick (which I probably did), but it was the first time in my life that I had gotten real male attention and I was eating it up!

    Now here I am over a decade later and I’m the biggest I’ve ever been, I’ll say it – 220, ugh. I’ve finally resigned myself to purchasing 2X shirts and 38G bras (I still try to squeeze into DD but it ain’t happenin’)… still having a hard time with the jeans and forget about dresses or skirts because my thighs rub together uncomfortably even with pantyhose. I recall about five years ago breaking down into tears in the Sears misses section because nothing fit and everything in the women’s department was hideous, now take into account that I was only 165 at the time (I’d love to be back to that!). Why is it that ‘fashion’ designers think that if we are fat that we don’t want to look our best, maybe even (dare I say it) sexy… hell some of those clothes I wouldn’t even wear around the house.

    You know, I only discovered your video on You Tube today because I was reading someone else’s blog and they posted it because they appreciated what you were saying. Today because of your videos I have new hope and I’ve posted the original on my Facebook page for all my friends to see too. I’m going to make an effort to donate all the clothes that don’t fit me (and believe me I have a ton!) and then I’m going to go to stores that love women like us and buy clothes that make me feel good and look good too. You are a gorgeous woman and I admit I’m a bit jealous of you, but you are a true inspiration. Thank you for speaking your mind and sticking to your guns. I just wish I could have given Meme the smack-down on camera… Much love to the big girls out there!

    With hugs for all,
    Brooklyn, NY

  84. 87 Kendra January 22, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    You are beautiful. I weigh over 200 pounds myself (specifically, I have no idea, because the last time I went to the doctor, I was weighed in kilograms). Every day when I put on clothes, I ask my mother, “Does this make me look lumpy?” and she says, “Uhhhh,” not wanting to offend me. What does she want me to wear, a horrible tent dress? So I look to her, and I say, “Yes, it does make me look lumpy. You know why? Because I AM lumpy!” It makes me feel so much better, and inspires so many people, when I take comfort in my own body. I have other fat friends who do not have the same confidence as we do. They often say, “I am so ugly, I should lose some weight.” And the first thing I tell them? “The only ugly thing about you is your attitude! You’re beautiful, embrace it!”

    Thank you for being an inspiration to fat men and women all across the country. You are my hero. I only wish that all of America could see the world like you do.


  85. 88 Sabrina January 31, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    Enjoyed visiting your blog. I’ve watched Fat Rants a number of times and just love it! Keep up the good attitude and GREAT message to all us gals out there whom Jane Russell used to “full figured gals”

  86. 89 leezaya February 16, 2009 at 10:38 am

    Joy Nash, You are my hero. It’s been a pleasure reading your blog and watching your Fat Rants. Thank you for promoting such a wonderful message. You’re an inspiration to many people out there, including myself.


  87. 90 Caroline February 21, 2009 at 11:18 am

    I think you are brilliant and beautiful. I have watched my family for years diet and diet, eating rice and cucumber, and nothing else. They lose 10, 20 pounds, but, no matter how little they eat, are still fat. I love in your first video, when you explain that fat is a description, and we shouldn’t be afriad or ashamed to call ourselves, or others, fat. I am fat. My friends call me curvy and volumptous to sugar it up. I AM FAT.
    I think Meme Rosh is an idiot who focuses too much on statistics.
    Thanks for the confidence boost, and the endless wisdom.

  88. 91 Vicky March 9, 2009 at 11:36 am

    Thank you.
    You are a much sought after breath of fresh air, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not only are you incredibly beautiful but you are inspiring and what every person in the whole world needs to hear. Again, thank you and please continue to be a wonderful inspiration and amazing person.

  89. 92 Autumn March 26, 2009 at 12:23 am

    I just wanted to say that I find you to be quite an inspiration, and a person that I find immediately likable. I watched the videos you have on youtube a long time ago, but I didn’t realize you had a site. As a woman who suffers from an eating disorder, I have been painfully thin at certain times in my life, and I assure you that you are far more beautiful than I was when I was abusing my body, and probably far healthier than I am even now. I wish I had arrived at the attitude you have about weight and health before I put myself through what I did. I am trying these days to just focus on eating properly and adequately, and be damned what kind of weight or shape I arrive at.

    All the best,

  90. 93 Chuck June 2, 2009 at 5:41 am

    Joy, I think you’re abso-ively, posi-utely gorgeous! I love what you’re doing and I hope more people really listen to what you’re saying. Did I mention that you’re gorgeous?

    From my room here in Baghdad, during this deployment, I’ve spent more time than the last, looking at photos of big beautiful women. I do love women in all sizes, shapes, colors, ages etc. But I do think the sexiest women are undoubtedly women with curves. I came across your “Fat Rant” totally by accident but I’m diggin’ it.

    Keepp doin’ the thing girl!


  91. 94 CarolinadeWitte June 19, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    Hi, I just found your site, only to realise you aren’t blogging here anymore apparently. I hope you pick it up again, as I love listening to what you have to say. Just not enough to join MySpace. I just don’t want to, sorry. I do hope you return here and bless us all with your amazing humour, and catch us up with your life. I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed I guess.

    Peace and Love


  92. 95 Danielle June 26, 2009 at 2:57 pm


    what a perfectly apt name you have, because you truly do spread joy! I cannot even begin to say how much of a profound impact you have had upon me. You are truly an inspiration, as well as damn funny, utterly gorgeous, very sexy and FATBULOUS!

    I have struggled for years with my weight and have been ‘diagnosed’ with an eating disorder and have ranged from slim to curvy to fat to enormous and everyting in between. I am problem somewhere in the region of curvy/fat right now, which would previously have sent me scuttling for the corner to hide myself, but for the first time in a long time I don’t care. It may take me a while to truly get to a place of self-acceptance and love, but I am done with the self loathing and hatred.

    I am taking your advice and getting on with living my life. I am embracing my fatbulous self! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Danielle xx

  93. 96 Danielle June 26, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    I forgot to add that you are;

    F oxy
    A mazing
    T alented

    F unny
    A wesome
    T antalising

    F ierce
    A ttractive
    T empting

    When are you making Fat Rant 4 (and 5, and 6 and any other talented work you are doing??) xxx

  94. 97 kylie July 2, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    Joy, i loved you video! i myself am not a heavy set women. im a healthy 5″5 15 year old 120 lb girl. I used to have problems with eating disorders such as anneroxia but your video inspired me to stop looking at myself in a negative way and enjoy the rest of my teenage years. Thank you so much. i have a new out look on life andvow never to obsess over my weight again. Thanks sooo much 🙂

  95. 98 Justine July 21, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    Joy, it goes without saying that your video(s) is amazing. Above all: witty. Keep up the good work, I wish you all the best. And btw, that blue dress you’re wearing in Fat Rant 2 is fabulous and you look gorgeous in it 🙂

  96. 99 C.G. August 7, 2009 at 9:34 am

    I saw the fat rant vid on MTVU and I just wanted to say that Joy Nash is sexy as hell. Dont ever change!!!!

    Whats a brotha got to do to get next to you.

  97. 100 Amanda August 7, 2009 at 10:40 am

    Hi Joy,

    Just saw your Fat Rant on YouTube and absolutely LOVED it! The fat hatred and quest for perfection are getting way out of hand. Despite the anti-fat people’s claims of how they care about our HEALTH, it’s actually the last thing they care about. I know this through experience: I eat healthy, I exercise, and I’m still considered fat at 140 lbs! To the fat-haters it’s all about how thin you LOOK, and that’s all there’s to it. The whole “obesity epidemic blah blah won’t someone think of the children blah blah health crisis blah blah” is disgusting. I have a lot of respect for people like you who choose to stand up to the nonsense and the LIES and be themselves no matter what. I’m adding you to my blog roll. KUTGW!

  98. 101 Leeann Enright August 10, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    Joy, I along with Sandy Dixon organize the annual Abundia retreat for fat women in northern Illinois. The focus of the retreat is size acceptance and the Health at Every Size philosophy.

    Last year we found that the best tool for attracting new participants was through blogs. We would greatly appreciate if you would consider mentioning the retreat and website on your blog.

    We have a press release that I could send but did not find an email address to use. You can also go to our website, http://www.abundia.org to check us out.

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss this please contact me. Thank you for consider our request.

    Leeann Enright

  99. 102 randomcatgirl October 19, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    Hi Joy,

    I just had to add my comment to all the others praising the Fat Rants. They’re what I’ve been screaming for years. As soon as my husband gets home, I’m showing them to him.

  100. 103 Bridgette November 19, 2009 at 12:23 am

    Hi, Joy!

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for saying and doing what I’ve felt my whole 33 years of life. I have been full-figured my entire life until I had gastric bypass surgery in 2003. I did lose a lot of weight (140 lbs.), but in the past year and a half have gained a good amount of it back. I have many health problems that I obtained from having this procedure and they along with some of the drugs I’ve had to take have helped me get back to my earlier years. Of course, I have gone thru the whole shame period of feeling like a big fat failure and also having to deal with people (especially my family) who will remind me of this. Well, Joy, I do say, NO FREAKIN’ MORE! There is no reason I should be ashamed or not proud of who I am as a person and a human being. We all deserve to have the same worth no matter how we look on the outside. I don’t ever judge a book by its cover because I have to say, you would sure miss out on a lot of great people out there that you wouldn’t have given the time of day. I love you, Joy, for your bravery, honesty, and confidence. To all you haters out there who keep trying to make fat people feel like they’re just lazy, lack willpower, and are just disgusting lumps…KISS OUR FAT ASSES! Because you are dead wrong. And you know what? You will always miss out on some of the best things in life because of your lack of education, understanding, and compassion. Remember, think before you open your huge, ugly mouths and spew hatred to others. If we would worry about enforcing good self esteem in everyone instead of constantly putting people down all the time, you’d be surprised at how happy and healthy this world could be. Peace, love, and JOY.

    Love you, Joy!
    Bridgette Jessen, Natural Vibes Jewelry

  101. 104 Rachel November 25, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    I just came across your blog by accident, and can’t tell you what an impression you’ve made on me.

    I always felt that although i’m fat- (225 pounds on a good day) that I was doing a decent job of managing myself. Now I realize how much i’ve been hiding. How I rarely wear anything with colors or prints and automatically assumme people are laughing at me (a la your leggings story).

    Seriously, I didn’t even know there were all these blogs dedicated to feeling good about yourself.

    I can’t thank you enough. Now I have made a new rule for myself- no more buying any clothing in muted colors, black, grey, brown and dark blue- time to start living like i’m meant to.

  102. 105 Vee November 28, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    You are my newest hero. Thank you for being the voice for those of us who are still trying to find ours. Keep up the inspirational work.

  103. 106 Quincy! December 14, 2009 at 4:28 pm

    I just wanted to say that I think that the size of someone’s frame has very little to do with them as a person. Skinny people can be nice or mean, or fair-weather, all the same as an average person, or a bigger person. I think that Joy exudes confidence. That makes all the difference in the world. I am below average in height, average in weight, just pretty much average, by society’s standards, but i have, since a very young age, lacked the sparkle of confidence that Joy radiates. I saw her, so beautiful and confident, and immediately realized, happiness and confidence matter immeasurably more that the size of my waist or thighs. This site made my day, and has given me an extra spring in my step. 🙂 I am so glad that there are people out there to spread a message of positivity and happiness, rather than put-downs and unmeetable standards. Thank You.

  104. 107 groovy_moon December 24, 2009 at 1:45 am

    You are awesome! I would be proud to be with you. You move through life with an air of grace and confidence few will know and even fewer will master.

  105. 108 Rozi January 12, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    Hey there. i just stumbled upon Fat Rant, watched all three videos, and checked out your blog. I am so incredibly happy that you are doing this! i actually went into my doctor today for a pre-surgical exam (gall bladder removal next week), and am at the heaviest i have been. i go to the gym 2-3 days a week and eat 3-5 servings of fruits and veggies a day.

    at 5’3″ and weighing in at 190 pounds, i’m proud to say, “I’M FAT! but that is not all that i am! I’m intelligent, I’m caring, I’m responsible. I’m a whole person who is more than her dress size.”

    At 23 years old, i feel it coming in all different directions. I couldn’t be a cheerleader in high school because my mum wouldn’t sign my permission form, because I “didn’t have the body for it.”

    So thank you, for the videos, the blog, for just loving and embracing yourself!

  106. 109 Angela Terry January 14, 2010 at 2:21 pm


    I am a casting director doing a nationwide search for a potential new scripted drama series for ABC Family. We are searching for plus-size girls and guys who are teens, or can play high school age (usually 18-24 year olds can get away with playing HS on TV.) Because of the plus-size nature of the characters we are going to be finding newcomers, no doubt. I would love to make this available to your community – we need to find young plus-size people with talent and a good/interesting/poppy look for Television, so I thought this could be a great resource. The whole process is completely free – because this is a legitimate casting. Anyone interested in taking a shot can log onto:


    Hoping to get a shout out on your site! If you have any other ideas about great places to get the word out – I would love to know your thoughts!

    Thank you!
    Angela Terry
    Stordahl & Terry Casting

  107. 110 Veronica February 15, 2010 at 2:21 am


    I cannot fully express to you my gratitude.

    Overcome by a bad case of self loathing i googled the question “am I too fat”. By some stroke of good fortune I stumbled upon your first Fat Rant, and the second, and the third, and I cried. I have felt exactly the way you described for so long. I’ve had to deal with those exact same kind of people, in and out of my family. What you said touched me in such an amazing way. You are such an inspiration to me and, at nineteen years old and 243 pounds, I’m promising myself to build up the same self confidence, self image, and self love that you show yourself.

    Thank you so much, Joy. You are amazing.


  108. 111 Sydney March 10, 2010 at 10:27 pm

    Dear Joy,

    I am 14 years old and have watched all your Fat Rant videos, and I cried when I watched them, it was such a breakthrough for me. I weigh over average, 123 pounds, and people tell me so frequently that I’m fat. I always let it get to me before now, I would convince myself that they were right and that I needed to lose weight. I began working out, which has made me happier but I haven’t lost any weight. I’ve given up on dieting entirely and I’m just enjoying myself. Thank you so much for giving me hope. People can be mean sometimes, and I never realized that my life could be so much more complete. Your videos really spoke to me, please make more! Thank you for allowing me to love myself again.

    Love, Sydney Schneider

  109. 112 Lali May 23, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    Hey YOU !!! Saying out loud what I am about to say to myself and others, I KISS YOU SO MUCH from heart, soul and body, directly from MONTREAL

  110. 113 Bri June 14, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    Hi Joy

    Was wondering if you would be interested in participating in an academic study about the Fatosphere blogs? If you are, can you drop me a line at the above email address.


    Fatosphere feed admin

  111. 114 The Travelling Trini June 15, 2010 at 1:39 am

    Joy, I think you look great. And I like your fashion sense. Wish I could get those brands over here in Hong Kong where as a size 16 I am a freaking GIANT compared to the tiny Asian girls. Keep up the good fight and keep looking good while you do it.

  112. 115 Jenny July 6, 2010 at 1:23 pm

    I’ve watched all of your fat rant videos!

    They’re very funny, you’re a beautiful woman, and I like your self-accepting attitude and honesty (someone who isn’t ashamed to call themselves fat) 🙂 There’s a lot of truth in your videos.

    I am just slightly confused however, because you seem to suggest that there aren’t health consequences to being fat. Which isn’t true. Even if you eat healthily and exercise well, and are healthier than a slim person in many ways, obesity is going to significantly increase your risk of ill health.
    Health initiatives to help people to lose weight aren’t based on lies. And it is generally a sensible idea to try to lose weight (so long as this objective isn’t ruling your life, or forced upon you) if your size is going to have health consequences.

    Although that is obviously quite apart from some bigot hurling abuse or treating you second-class because they “want to help you”. Bullying of any form is never acceptable.

    Just looking at some of the happiness in these comments, from larger people, is telling me that your videos are great. But please don’t be disparaging of legitimate health concerns related to obesity 😦

  113. 116 Aubrey Butts July 8, 2010 at 11:51 am

    I just would like to say that you are probably my hero. Without a doubt. You are a gorgeous, hilarious, inspirational woman. Spread the word sister. And do it with pride.

    Much love to you!


  114. 117 jess July 25, 2010 at 6:14 am

    You are so cool! I love ur video! Again, U R SO COOL! preach it

  115. 118 Shirley July 29, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Thanks to Joy’s fat rant, I am going to start fixing my hair again, and putting on makeup, and buying cute clothes (in my CURRENT size). I am done waiting for weight loss that never happens in order to start living again instead of just existing. However…I will be the first to admit that I do have the medical problems related to obesity. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, both of which are controlled by medication. I can’t change those things without significant weight loss. I know that. And I did lose 20 pounds. But now I am at a plateau. And I am sick of dieting! Don’t want to do it anymore!!! So, I am eating less in general than I did before, and most importantly, I am exercising regularly. But I am still heavy. And I still have the medical issues. Does that mean I have to curl up under a rock and wait for the end? Not if I can do anything about it! Gonna go ride my bike now! Thank you Joy!

  116. 119 Michael August 29, 2010 at 3:48 am

    I would just like you to know, that you are simply one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my entire life. Thanks for this blog. 🙂

  117. 120 big mama September 10, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    Thank you for fat rant!! I freakin’ love you! 🙂

  118. 121 stancarter September 11, 2010 at 9:30 pm

    Great videos. I can’t imagine the guy in your first video NOT wanting to ask you out. I can’t imagine ANY guy not wanting to ask you out.
    Anyway, I’m a fat person myself, and I recently had a novel accepted by an e-book publisher. It’s NOT self-published, it’s a real book, a science fiction novel about a fat female private eye named Petchy Maligula. If anyone’s interested, they can learn more here: http://stancarter.wordpress.com/

  119. 122 varun pratap singh November 15, 2010 at 7:40 pm

    hallo joy hru
    i saw your blog and also fat rant movie
    i like fat womens so i like u do u interested in friendship with me
    i m research schoolar in India.

  120. 123 varun pratap singh November 15, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    hallo joy hru
    i saw your blog and also fat rant movie
    i like fat womens so i like u do u interested in friendship with me
    i m research schoolar in India…

  121. 124 Lily Pendragon December 1, 2010 at 5:38 am

    Dear Joy

    A friend sent me a link to your Fat Rant. I loved it. I cried first. Bawled. Then I watched it again. And Again. And then, suddenly, I had a life changing moment. Thank you for changing my life. I wrote this that day. I’d like to share with you and your fans my self-realizations and the change you made in my attitude

    I am a former Skinny Girl. At 25 after two kids I was 100 lbs soaking wet. I am 5 foot tall. I was a size 6. I was thin and knew it. And flaunted it. Slutty clothes, throwing myself at any guy who would validate my physical beauty and strutting around faking my “right stuff” while shuddering under an utter lack of internal confidence. None of my friends were overweight, in my attitude I couldn’t possibly find any commonalities with big girls. I was skinny, I was pretty, I was flaunting it. And I had been puking my guts up for 9 years. Not to mention the laxatives, exercizing for hours, slim fast, and hiding all this from family and a tthe time husband and fellow skinny friends. I was a Skinny Girl. I was also a fat girl in a skinny body. When I looked in the mirror I saw not myself, not the pretty girl in the micro mini, but the fat girl I was (I believed) destined to become. I was sweet, loving, good natured (with my skinny friends) utterly depressed and a total fake. I was not just a Skinny Girl, I was a Skinny Bitch.

    Today I am 34. I am still 5 foot tall. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. (#5 in fact)I went from a size 12 to a size 18. I am the fat girl I saw in the mirror 10 years ago. And you know what, I’ve been a bit of a lazy girl too. I have a toddler and grade school kids and the most exercize I get is chasing them around. Throw in a newborn and wow – when I’m not mothering I’m sitting on my badonkadonk, half asleep watching tv. (or sleeping) Could I loose weight if I got off my butt and worked it? Maybe. Will I do it? No. Not to loose weight. But I have started to work out because I have a new goal. To be healthy. To not be out of breath climbing the basement stairs with a load of laundry. To keep up with my kids next summer at the park, I want to play tag without my muscles screaming at me later that night. I want to be healthy.

    But I’m a fat girl. And I’ve put away the skinny girl. I’ve become loving, caring, good natured and I’m doing something to control my depression and now those personality traits are sincere. I’m a better person because of my Curvy, bigger figure. I was forced to develop a personality, empathy, and a good nature because I could no longer depend on my skinny butt and handspan waist to glide me through life. I’m grateful to my fat for that.

    I’m done with Skinny Girl. She was insecure and unhealthy and a poor role model for my kids. I have 3 girl children. One is a pre-teen. And She will never again hear me say “I’m so fat.” She will see me feeling sexy and confident and saying “I’m fat and I’m fabulous.” I have 2 boys, one is a teen. He will not hear me disparrage myself so that he can think it’s ok to disparage other women. He will hear me say, “I’m fat and I’m sexy.”

    I’ve gone through a significant mental shift recently, and it was thanks to Joy Nash. I’m tired of the lack of confidence, the fat girl in a skinny world mentality. Screw the models and the magazines. I’m putting on sexy clothes and I’m not going to hide from the camera anymore. My husband is a photographer. I have had so few photo shoots in the 5 years we’ve been together because that Skinny Bitch who was ME was still back there in my mind whispering all the things that is wrong with society into my ear. “Don’t you dare post those fat photos anywhere online where people will see how fat you are!” And you know what? I’m so done with her. I’m whipping out my X-large sexy tops and my size 18 micromini’s and I’m handing my husband his camera and saying, show me who I really am!

    I’m a fat girl. And I am Becoming Fabulous.

    Thank you Joy Nash.

  122. 125 Jo December 7, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    I just wanted to say – you are one of the most beautiful, confident, inspiring women I have ever had the pleasure to stumble upon. You’re a gift to every woman (including myself) who doesn’t fit the fashion model stereotype. I can’t say thank you enough, for having the courage to put yourself out there and honest, stalwart, and confident.

  123. 126 Sarah February 3, 2011 at 5:16 am

    I’ve seen your video many times, and I always give it a watch when I feel a bit insecure. I’m an Anorexia survivor, and I still sometimes feel insecure about my body, I still call myself ‘fat’ sometimes as if that’s a horrible insult. Your videos remind me that, actually, I have fat friends, and I think they are all gorgeous just the way they are. And it’s funny how that making excuses thing works – “they don’t like me because I’m fat” – because I used to tell myself that when I was Anorexic, and all it did was take my attention off the real problems, that I didn’t have many friends because I was severely depressed, and I isolated myself on purpose because I felt worthless, and being around other people just made me feel more worthless. It was nothing to do with my weight, and that’s true even when people are overweight/fat.

    You are amazing, and hilarious. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  124. 127 emlit81 February 20, 2011 at 7:58 am

    Hi Joy,
    I was directed to your Fat Rant video by a friend of mine who was in a theater class with you at USC and suggested I check it out. I started a project called ‘Embrace:Me’ recently, and I would love to have you contribute to the project in some way. The contribution could be original content, or a re-posting of the Fat Rant video (with your permission, of course), or whatever you choose. For more information about Embrace:Me, you can visit this link: http://www.icametorun.com/embraceme/, or email me at icametorun [at] gmail [dot] com. Please let me know what you think–I’d love to hear from you!

  125. 128 Jane May 25, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    Thank you so much Joy. Your fat rant videos have cheered me up no end tonight.I was feeling decidedly 40 fat and frumpy, fed up of people thinking I am stupid because I am fat and there really are some that do.So tomorrow,hair cut,colour, make up jazz up and some smiles, back to living life instead of enduring it :).
    Thanks again,
    Jane (Wales UK) 41 fat fun nutty size 20 nurse .

  126. 129 Alice June 6, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Hey Joy,
    I just wanted to tell you that your Fat Rant videos are AWESOME!!!! I’m a 17 year old girl and I’m really overweight. I watched your videos on youtube – you said exactly what every fat girl needs to hear! In the twenty-first century, “fat” has become the most disgusting insult ever and sometimes it’s hard to remember that you’re still a human being and you still deserve to live and enjoy life just as much as anyone else. Your videos really made me remember that there’s more to me than my extra pounds – fat people don’t have to be ashamed of themselves. It’s time for fat girls to get out there and have a good time!

  127. 130 Efrain T Schunior September 12, 2011 at 6:03 pm

    i think the reason people hate the word “Fat” so much is because it rhymes with “cat” and there’s nothing worse than a disgusting feline. are you with me girls?

    E.F. Rain

  128. 131 Cassandra November 27, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    Hey Joy,
    Honestly, I find your videos the best sense of inspiration for us “fat” people. What you say about it just being a physical characteristic is perfectly true, and sociey has made it so that it’s a bad thing. I’m only 13, and I’m over 200lbs, and a size 16, and hearing “Fat Rant” has given me a sense of overall confidence in myself and what the world can become if we try hard enough. We really do have to stick up for ourselves and just give an attitude that we don’t care what anyone else has to say. No more hiding away those short skirts or skinny jeans for me!

  1. 1 Redefining Body Image: An Interview With Haley Querro « The Ellipses Project Trackback on November 1, 2012 at 7:14 am

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